3 D R A C S N A D A L


Era Can Nadal, Sant Julià de Vilatorta - 08506 Barcelona 629 679 147 3dracsnadal@gmail.com

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Charming House in Sant Julià de Vilatorta

Explore the magic of our charming house located in Sant Julià de Vilatorta, immersed in the beauty of the picturesque region of Osona, in Barcelona. Our property consists of two exquisitely designed houses to provide a unique experience.

Enjoy the exclusive amenities of our property, including a relaxing pool and a spacious terrace, which become the perfect setting to create unforgettable memories. The property is strategically located in an environment that offers breathtaking views, providing a stunning backdrop for your days of relaxation with friends or family.

Every corner of this house has been designed with your comfort and enjoyment in mind. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the surroundings as you relax by the pool or enjoy an outdoor dinner on the cozy terrace. This retreat, situated in the heart of Osona, is more than just accommodation; it is the starting point for an unforgettable holiday filled with tranquility and shared moments. We invite you to experience the magic and hospitality of our house for an exceptional vacation in this special corner of Barcelona.

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